What will happen JUST BEFORE YOU DIE ? Martin Lee Knows! When he meets a stranger on the way to school , his doom is Sealed. The evil ghost has chosen him for a special mission – fail, And Martin’s dead.
Nadine Azman and her friends visit an eerie forest at Night for their school project.Little do they realize they will become Victims of the terrifying creatures guarding THEIR MASTER’S GRAVE.
When billionaire Silas Wong is shot dead, his nephew Wilbert is seen running from the crime scene. Alvin and his investigators set out to prove Wilbert’s innocence, but the evidence against him keeps piling up.
Who else stands to gain from the old man’s death?
What secrets are his son and daughter hiding?
And what part does the scheming Oscar Oei play?
Yue Jie and his friends are transformed into ninja warriors in ancient Japan. Will they be able to master the dark arts to rescue a kidnapped shogun before the OLD GOSTS O JAPAN bring them to their doom?
Courtney Ng loves her role as the school newspaper Editor. But when she runs a story about a mysterious woman who is DROWNED BUT NOT DEAD, she finds herself in extreme peril. |
Yue Jie and his friends are transformed into ninja warriors in ancient Japan. Will they be able to master the dark arts to rescue a kidnapped shogun before the OLD GOSTS O JAPAN bring them to their doom?
Courtney Ng loves her role as the school newspaper Editor. But when she runs a story about a mysterious woman who is DROWNED BUT NOT DEAD, she finds herself in extreme peril. |
午夜先生 – James Lee 原名Jim Aitchison,出生於澳洲,在新加坡工作及居住了二十多年,已是一位地道的老新加坡。他原是一位廣告創作人,十分熱愛
寫作,曾經撰寫多本廣告和商業管理書籍,後來他開始創作兒童及青少年故事,並且改了個似是華人筆名James Lee。
Mr. Midnight驚憟故事系列是James Lee最成功的創作之一,英文版現已出版了四十多集,瘋靡整個東南亞,總銷售量已超過二百萬本。
古老怪屋: 家良、卓微和均安被變成一隻老鼠,他們能否逃出怪屋?
魔鏡驚魂: Mahima 和她的朋友非常憎恨男孩子,但她們更恨被困在鏡中。她們可否從魔鏡裡逃生? |
校巴888 : 郭尤金、阿齊和何小曼坐上了校巴888,校巴把他們帶到那裡?他們會否永遠都不能回家?
金魚王子 : 賴恩的新買小金魚做出一些不可思議的怪事,賴恩和他的朋友被困在魚缸裡,誰去阻止金魚王子? |
怪異電腦 : 阿華的電腦幫他做完所有的家課,但電腦裡可怕的怪物想控制他。丁全和阿佛能否把他從怪異電腦中拯救出來?
鬼照片 : 鬼魂在我們的照片中出現! 阿傑和珮琳正面對著一隻表面美麗和可愛,但內心卻邪惡而且極度危險的女鬼 - 安琪麗娜! |