

2018 - 2019 天才「Sing!Sing!Sing!」歌唱比賽
The 2018-2019 Smart Sing! Sing! Sing! Competition for Kindergartens
in Hong Kong and Macao

Sing and show us your talents! Join the Smart Sing! Sing! Sing!

Competition for Kindergartens in Hong Kong & Macao/ 歡迎所有香港及澳門的幼稚園同學參加 (N1至K3同學)
10 Songs are now released, you may watch the music videos and download the music clips with the buttons below!/ 10首參演曲目已經出爐了!同學們可以由此觀看影片及下載演唱版及演奏版歌曲作準備!

Task 組別 Members 人數限制 Songs ref參演曲目www.MySmartEDU.com
* Individual Competition
  1. Ten Yellow Chickens
  2. Colours
  3. My Dress is Red
  4. Can I have...?
  5. Let's Go to School
  6. Head and Shoulders
  7. What is this?
  8. Who is it?
  9. English Classroom
  10. Boogie Woogie
* Team Competition

1. Ten Yellow Chickens 2. Colours
3. My Dress is Red 4. Can I have...?
5. Let's Go to School 6. Head and Shoulders
7. What is this? 8. Who is it?
9. English Classroom 10. Booie Woogie

Enquires: Please contact us at +852 2851 3822(Hong Kong) / +853 6261 6000(Macao) or visit www.MySmartEDU.com if you have any questions.
如有任何查詢,請瀏覽 www.MySmartEDU.com (香港及澳門區) 或 致電+852 2851 3822 (香港)/ +853 6261 6000 (澳門) 與我們聯絡。


2018 - 2019 天才「Sing!Sing!Sing!」歌唱比賽
The 2018-2019 Smart Sing! Sing! Sing! Competition for Kindergartens
in Hong Kong and Macao

Sing and show us your talents! Join the Smart Sing! Sing! Sing!

Competition for Kindergartens in Hong Kong & Macao/ 歡迎所有香港及澳門的幼稚園同學參加 (N1至K3同學)
Visit our official website for details www.MySmartEDU.com .

Task 組別 Members 人數限制 Songs ref參演曲目www.MySmartEDU.com
* Individual Competition
  1. Ten Yellow Chickens
  2. Colours
  3. My Dress is Red
  4. Can I have...?
  5. 5. Let's Go to School
  6. 6. Head and Shoulders
  7. What is this?
  8. Who is it?
  9. English Classroom
  10. Boogie Woogie
* Team Competition

Timeline 日期
Friday, Oct 19 2018 12:00 Submission of Enrollment Forms with fee

  1. Email/電郵方式:info@MySmartEDU.com
  2. Vcontest:vcontest.mysmartedu.com.cn
  3. Mail to : 11E, Ford Glory Plaza, 37-39 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha 3. Wan, Kowloon / 郵寄至聰穎教育有限公司辦公室
  4. Fax /傳真方式:+852 2851 8422
Payment method/繳費方式 HK$100@form/申請*
  1. Cheque/支票方式(Payable to/抬頭:Smart Education Co. Ltd.)
  2. PayMe 63110602
Friday, Nov 16 2018 – 12:00 Upload of performances (in video or audio format)
截止遞交作品,遞交方式:(Video / 影像作品格式,可上載Facebook or youtube)
  1. Email/電郵方式:info@MySmartEDU.com
  2. Vcontest:vcontest.mysmartedu.com.cn
  3. Record CD or USB and mail to / 錄製成光碟或便攜式儲存裝置並郵寄至本公司 11E, Ford Glory Plaza, 37-39 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon / 香港九龍長沙灣永康街37-39號福源廣場11樓E室
Monday, Dec 3 2018 Announcement of finalists
  1. Info school via Phone , email , fax , facebook 以電話、電郵或傳真方式通知學校
  2. Finalist post on official website / 決賽名單及作品將上載於以下網頁:

  3. 聰穎教育官方網頁www.MySmartEDU.com
    「天才Sing Sing Sing比賽」活動網頁www.mysmartabc.com/sing2018/
Sunday, Jan 13 2019 (TBD) - Final Competition and Prize Giving Ceremony總決賽暨頒獎典禮
Venue / 地點:Y綜藝館
Address / 地址:238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong/ 香港柴灣道 238號
Time / 時間:15:00 – 18:00

Professional Judges and Honorary Consultants / 專業顧問及評審團:

Miss Ivy Chung
Principal of Ivy Chung School of Ballet
Mr. Simon Lo

If you are interested, press below buttons! / 如有意參加,請立即按以下圖標登記!

Enquires: Please contact us at +852 2851 3822(Hong Kong) / +853 6261 6000(Macao) or visit www.MySmartEDU.com if you have any questions.

如有任何查詢,請瀏覽 www.MySmartEDU.com (香港及澳門區) 或 致電+852 2851 3822 (香港)/ +853 6261 6000 (澳門) 與我們聯絡。